Drawing on over forty years of extensive experience, Northern Machinery establishes itself as a reliable and cost-effective civil construction company catering to the Katherine, NT region.

Meet the Experts in Civil

Located in Katherine, Northern Territory, Northern Machinery is committed to offering specialised services in earthworks, drainage, clearing, and concreting. Our dedication to safety, quality, and environmental stewardship informs all aspects of our project execution.

The Northern Machinery team consists of a diverse group of skilled operators, formally certified apprentices, and support personnel, including traffic management and survey consultants. By prioritising local recruitment, we emphasise superior customer service and unwavering reliability. Our construction initiatives focus on fostering employee morale, promoting team collaboration, ensuring clear communication, and providing comprehensive training.

We are devoted to advancing the Northern Territory's industry and employment landscape. This commitment drives us in every project we undertake. Our strategic location facilitates close collaboration with Indigenous communities, traditional owners, and the local Land Council to promote positive employment outcomes for Indigenous individuals. We recognize that Indigenous heritage is deeply connected to the regions where we operate, and we maintain a profound respect for the land.

At Northern Machinery, we provide a broad array of advanced equipment while strictly adhering to manufacturer-recommended service schedules. With a comprehensive inventory of commonly used spare parts, backup machinery, and a team of skilled tradespeople readily available, we ensure the delivery of efficient and effective services.

Supported by our dedicated Management and Support Team, Northern Machinery guarantees the effective handling of documentation and communication for multiple remote contracts. Our primary focus remains on achieving desired project outcomes, fulfilling contractual obligations, and adhering to completion timelines.

At Northern Machinery, our core values are integral to our operations and significantly impact the high quality of our work.

In all our endeavors, we strive to uphold these fundamental beliefs:

Treat our­selves and our cus­tomers with respect.

Be cre­ative and resourceful.

Be open to change and main­tain flexibility.

Elevating Excellence: Commitment to Outstanding Results through Safe, Sustainable, and High-Quality Projects and Services That Align with Our Core Values


We devel­op lead­ers through strong sup­port sys­tems and good communication.


No task is too impor­tant that we can­not do it safely.


We are true to our word.

Envi­ron­ment & Sustainability

We look after our envi­ron­ment for future generations.


We antic­i­pate change and shape it to fit our purposes.

As safety leaders, we aim to cultivate a robust, positive safety culture.

Health & Safe­ty policy

We are committed to fostering a work environment that encourages employees to prioritise safety, demonstrate discretionary effort, and support one another. We recognize that safety extends beyond mere compliance and are dedicated to cultivating a culture in which safety is an integral aspect of our organisation.

Below, you will find our current Workplace Health and Safety Policy. Our foremost priority is to ensure a safe workplace for our employees while upholding our commitment to achieving an accident-free environment.

Our Dedication.

  • Com­ply with all applic­a­ble health and safe­ty laws and regulations
  • Engage with employ­ees on safe­ty matters
  • Con­duct reg­u­lar reviews of work areas, equip­ment, behav­ior and meth­ods to continuously
  • improve health and safe­ty performance
  • Pro­vide health and safe­ty train­ing for our workforce;
  • Cre­at­ing a cul­ture that empow­ers our work­force to act in
    a safe and respon­si­ble way


  • Accept respon­si­bil­i­ty for main­tain­ing a healthy and safe work­place and act in accor­dance with this policy
  • Work in accor­dance with the NMS Safe­ty Man­age­ment System
  • Ensure all appro­pri­ate Per­son­al Pro­tec­tive Equip­ment (PPE) is fit for pur­pose, main­tained in a safe work­ing order and that you adhere to our oper­at­ing procedures
  • Use all appro­pri­ate safe­ty equip­ment pro­vid­ed by NMS for their own protection
  • Work in a man­ner that ensures your own and your work­mates safety
  • Imme­di­ate­ly report and secure haz­ards, cease unsafe work prac­tices and report inci­dents; and
  • Ensure that you advise your super­vi­sor if you feel that the assigned task is out­side the scope of your competency

NMS aims to conduct all business activities in an environmentally sustainable and responsible way.

Envi­ron­men­tal Policy

NMS is committed to fostering a respectful relationship with the natural environment and is dedicated to managing the potential impacts of our operations in a manner that minimizes harm while preserving the integrity of the ecosystem and its biodiversity.

All personnel, contractors, and visitors associated with NMS are responsible for the implementation and adherence to this policy.

This policy is applicable to all activities undertaken or controlled by NMS.

Our Dedication.

  • Man­age our oper­a­tions in com­pli­ance with or exceed­ing the applic­a­ble Com­mon­wealth & State envi­ron­men­tal leg­isla­tive require­ments and pro­vide resources nec­es­sary to meet these obligations
  • Iden­ti­fy and effec­tive­ly man­age our envi­ron­men­tal aspects and impacts;
  • Devel­op and active­ly pro­mote ini­tia­tives to improve envi­ron­men­tal per­for­mance through con­tin­u­ous research and inte­gra­tion of best prac­tice processes
  • Review envi­ron­men­tal per­for­mance des­ig­nat­ed objec­tives and tar­gets on a reg­u­lar basis
  • Estab­lish direct and effec­tive ways of com­mu­ni­ca­tion with our employ­ees, cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers, con­trac­tors, and the com­mu­ni­ty in regard to envi­ron­men­tal oblig­a­tions, per­for­mance and com­pli­ance in order to achieve shared and last­ing outcomes
  • Demon­strate good gov­er­nance by incor­po­rat­ing sus­tain­abil­i­ty prin­ci­ples into all NMS activ­i­ties and deci­sion mak­ing and active­ly pro­mote use of eco-friend­ly mate­ri­als and equipment
  • Report and record envi­ron­men­tal inci­dents and poten­tial envi­ron­men­tal haz­ards to ini­ti­ate cor­rec­tive actions and elim­i­nate or min­imise impact, improve per­for­mance and pre­vent inci­dent recurrent

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